What’s Wrong With This Picture?

I saw Furnando this morning and something looks different about the Mystic Moggie. Do you know what it is?

Comment below and tell me what’s different about Furnando.

Keep your eyes at hand…

Roary Scrawl


MUNCHY MADNESS: Slopcorn At The Food Factory!

BOOM BOOM POP! That’s the sound of Slopcorn being popped over at the Food Factory. Head over there right now to feed your hungry Moshlings. Fill up to level up!

How do YOU eat Slopcorn? One kernel at a time, or HUGE handfuls? I like to get as much in my mouth at one time… But that’s just me! Comment below and tell me how YOU like to eat Slopcorn.

Keep your eyes at hand…

Roary Scrawl

Spot The Differences!

There are TEN differences in the photos below. Can you spot them all?

Comment below and tell me what the differences are.

Keep your eyes at hand…

Roary Scrawl

Moshi Motor Mouths!

It’s time for Moshi Motor Mouths… Ready, set, GOOOO!

Comment below and tell me which Moshling this mouth belongs to.

Keep your eyes at hand…